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New Update for For The King II now available

London, July 5th, 2024 – Curve Games and IronOak Games have unveiled Dark Carnival, an infinite dungeon mode designed to push fans’ skills to their limits. In this mode players must uncover the secrets of the Ringmaster and face the many challenges the Dark Carnival presents. The deeper you go, the more twisted it becomes. For the King II is available on Steam. Download it today and see how many floors you can conquer before meeting your inevitable demise!

“We are passionately dedicated to making For the King II the best experience it can be for our community. The team has been listening to feedback and working hard to bring new content to players with the Dark Carnival update. We truly hope you enjoy the new mode, and the re-introduction of Bards”, said Sterling Anderson, the Studio Director at IronOak Games.

Watch the new For the King II Book of Lore video which delves into the mysteries of the Carnival and gives players a crash course in everything weird and wonderful that the Dark Carnival has to offer.

Inspired by tabletop adventures, For The King II builds on the hugely popular blend of strategy, turn-based combat and roguelite replayability and combines an epic new experience that includes the most requested fan feature by far: four-player co-op. For The King II delivers a continuation of the narrative arc for fans of the original and offers brand-new combat mechanics and features, a host of new biomes to explore and much more.

To learn more about For the King II please visit the official Steam product page here and follow us on Twitter, Reddit and Discord.

Family Video Gaming from Chris Jones Gaming

Creating a Healthy and Fun Family Video Gaming Experience

In today’s digital age, This doesn’t mean merely supervising screen time but actively engaging with the gaming world and providing guidance. Here are some tips from Chris Jones Gaming to get you started. 

Encourage Responsible Gaming

Setting clear guidelines for screen time and game content is essential to cultivate a responsible gaming environment. Not all games are suitable for all age groups, so review game ratings and content before they become part of your family’s library. Additionally, establish a balance between gaming and other activities like outdoor play, reading, and family time. This prevents excessive screen use and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Encourage Communication

Open communication forms the backbone of a safe and enjoyable gaming environment. Encourage your children to share their gaming experiences, interests, and concerns. This open dialogue enables you to understand what they’re encountering in the virtual world and provides a platform to discuss the potential negative aspects, such as cyberbullying or inappropriate content.

Explore Diverse Game Genres

Video games are as diverse as books, movies, and music. Introduce your family to a wide array of game genres, from puzzles and adventures to educational and creative games. This broadens horizons, promotes diverse interests and skills, and ensures the gaming experience remains fresh and engaging.

Develop Problem-Solving Skills

In addition to being a source of entertainment, games can be fantastic tools for cognitive development. Choose games that challenge your children’s minds and promote problem-solving abilities. Puzzles, strategy, and adventure games not only provide fun but also contribute to improving critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Use Gaming as a Reward

To maintain a healthy relationship with gaming, use it as a treat or incentive for completing responsibilities. Whether homework, chores, or good behavior, gaming can be an effective motivational tool. This approach reinforces positive behavior while ensuring that gaming does not overshadow other essential aspects of life.

Highlight the Benefits of Gaming

While it’s easy to dwell on potential negatives, it’s equally important to recognize the benefits that gaming offers. Video games can improve decision-making skills, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination. They can even offer educational value, teaching everything from history and geography to complex scientific concepts, all in an engaging and interactive manner.

Design a Multi-Functional Gaming Room

Creating a dedicated gaming and entertainment space in your home is a fantastic way to enhance the gaming experience. This could be a multi-functional room that can also serve as a family movie theater or a chill-out zone. A dedicated gaming room also creates a specific place for electronics, making it easier to monitor usage and maintain a tidy home.

Track Home Improvements

If you do opt for a dedicated gaming room, keep a record of any enhancements you make. This not only helps in maintaining the room but can also add value to your home. Future potential buyers who are gaming enthusiasts will likely appreciate a well-designed entertainment space.

Creating a family-friendly video gaming environment can initially seem daunting, but following the above tips makes it much easier. Remember, moderation, open dialogue, and a wide variety of games can ensure that gaming becomes a positive, enriching part of your family’s life rather than a point of contention. So engage, guide, and enjoy the gaming world with your family, creating shared memories that will last a lifetime.

Chris Jones Gaming has all the gaming tips and information you’ve been looking for. Let us know if you have any questions!

Article by Micah Norris for Chris Jones Gaming

Image via Pexels

Chris Jones Gaming

Make A Game

At one point Chris Jones Gaming was considering making a game. This was about 15 years ago when we were modifying Star Trek games.

It hasn’t happened, but who is to say it won’t happen. If we were to do that, here’s a bit of what’s involved.

Making a science fiction game involves a lot of stuff, as you might know, including:

  1. Concept development: Developing the game concept, which involves creating the storyline, characters and their interaction with each other, and the setting. This is the foundation upon which the game will be built, where it starts.
  2. Game engine selection: The game engine is the software framework that is used to create the game. Popular game engines used for science fiction games include Unreal Engine, Unity, and CryEngine.
  3. Art and design: Once the game engine is selected, the next step is to create the game’s art and design elements, including 3D models, textures, animations, and user interface.
  4. Programming: The game’s mechanics, features, and interactions are created through programming, using languages such as C++, C#, and Python. I have a few people in mind for this.
  5. Sound and music: Sound and music play a crucial role in immersing players in the game’s world. Game developers must create or license appropriate sound effects and music tracks that fit the game’s theme and mood. I have someone in mind for this.
  6. Testing and debugging: As the game is being developed, it must be tested and debugged to ensure that it is functioning as intended. This involves identifying and fixing bugs, balancing gameplay mechanics, and optimizing performance. This is one of my favorite parts of the process.
  7. Distribution and marketing: Once the game is complete, it must be brought to the gamers of the world. This involves distribution channels, like digital storefronts or physical distribution, and marketing the game through various channels to attract players and fans.

To Make a Game, that is popular, involves quite a lot – and the talent needed isn’t going to work for free. Getting it done involves many different skills and areas of expertise. The author, Chris Jones, is working on all of that. I have talent in mind.

Stay tuned.

I have talked about this before -the fact that I’m bringing it up again means I have not, and will not, drop the idea. Full transparency – I’ve done nothing but think about making a game since I wrote the last article about making a game.

Make a Game - Chris Jones Gaming
Chris Jones Gaming SciFi
The Right Timing

Sci-Fi Short Story close to release

Updating this post I’d like to say that the short story is close to release.

I’m quite proud of this.

Here is a small blurb from it.

“What Just Happened? Just then the intercom in the Captain’s quarters beeped. Dane responded with “Briggs here, what is it?” His First officer, second in command, came on and said, Happy Birthday, Sir. The Crew would like to wish you a Happy Birthday in person. There’s a cake with your name on it in the lounge”.

Watch for updates here.

Cover illustration by Olsie.

As for the game I mention in that previous post, it is still in concept stage, based on the final edits of the short story.

Update Sept 19, 2022 – The Short Story has been released on Amazon – Click this!!!

Chris Jones Gaming SciFi

We are going to make a game

I feel the beginning of a month is a good time to announce something like this.

We are going to make a game.

Chris Jones Gaming is going to make a game.

What kind of Game?

Science Fiction – or SciFi.

We got the look..

I have a short story that will be published soon – I’ve been saying that for a while – but it is happening.

It will for sure be a PC Game, and we’ll discuss Console versions.

Update Sept 19, 2022 – The Short Story has been released on Amazon – Click this!!!

Heading up The Ultimate Universe Mod starting in 2007 was a fantastic experience, and I believe it to be the time right to create something brand new.

There’ll be more on this as it progresses.

Excited for the Future!

A Blockchain Wargame – Faraland

Faraland has exquisitely digital collectibles created with blockchain technology. Each collectible is matchless, genuine and varies in rarity. The Faraland Universe has many different races – such as human, orc, angel, demon, dragonborn, elf and fairy which are waiting for you to discover and collect.

Faraland is also a multiplayer RPG NFT GAME that lets the user engage in the combat arena and profit from battles.

Kinda Kool, Huh?


Check out this video voiced by Dee Alvis.

Chess variations II: Alternate rules and situations

Hostage Chess:

Any piece taken by you becomes your piece. You can then drop onto your side of the board in any free location, at any point in time.

Difficulty: Just above average chess; 5.5/10. The difficulty is now in placement and knowing gthe consequences of losing a piece.

Fun: 10/10!!! Rub salt in your enemies wounds by using what they lost. Adds an additional boost to eating and really reinforces the consequences of losing pieces.

Edits to be made: Have an extra set of pieces set aside for use.

Dark/Fog of War Chess:

Your opponent’s moves and pieces are not visible. Pawns, who’s movement may be blocked by a piece will be informed that a move forward is an illegal move- on this point some variety is seen on informing players, as some versions have an umpire who can decide on whether they announce what piece has moved or where it may be moved to.

Difficulty: Extreme: this style of game play requires knowledge of common moves and tactics. It works best for people who know how to play, and play well. 10/10.

Fun: If you like puzzle games and riddles, and deductive reasoning, this is the variation for you. If you love battleship, this is perfect.

Edits to be made: For an in-person game, this version would require 3 boards (you, opponent, 3rd party) and an umpire (to decide legality of moves).

Omega Chess:

Two pieces are added: The Wizard moves 1,3 or 3,1. It’s placed in the corners of the board, starting just off it. The Champion can either jump 2 diagonally, or move up to 2 horizontally or vertically, reminiscent of Chaturanga.

Difficulty: With a larger board and two new pieces, I feel the difficulty will be found in learning and adapting to the new pieces over anything else. 6/10.

Fun: Yeehaw WIZARDS!!!!!!! The names of the new pieces and the added gameplay gives this version a 7.5/10.

Edits to be made: 10×10 board, 4 additional pieces per side (2 wizards, 2 champions)

Cannibal Chess:

Difficulty: Definitely on the higher end: Remembering all the pieces that were eaten, and by whom, and doing so for your opponent as well is hard. A good way to train one’s memory!

Fun: Perfect opportunity for obnoxious munching noises during gameplay. 10/10.

Edits to be made: None to the board or pieces themselves. I would recommend marking the figures with some sort of symbol and then writing out which ate what on a sheet of paper.

by Abby Zarakovich

Ultimate Universe

Ultimate Universe Mod

The Ultimate Universe is/was a total conversion modification of the PC Game, Star Trek: Legacy (released in Late 2006). It is a collaboration of many individuals driven to make the best of Star Trek Legacy. 


You MUST start with a Fresh Clean unmodded Legacy install. If you try installing over UU1.0 or 1.5 you will CERTAINLY have problems! This is part 1 of a 2 part installer. Be sure to grab Part 2 of 2 as well, both are required!. UU2.0 is a FULL INSTALL.

Now that’s out of the way. You will find a new menu structure, more
races, enhanced missions, the new Vs Armada, and Instant Vs modes. As
well as the new “Exploring History” mode which is a mostly non combat
mode that explores Earth and Mars development from the NX-01’s time to
the NCC-1701F.

Great new intro, loading screens and main menu
graphic by Mindwipe. Three interviews with the CoWriter of the Stock
Campaign Derek Chester done by Mindwipe himself and a TMP Theme music
vid with Mike Shaw. Rebuilt main menu by Muldrf. Enhanced Explosions and
weapon effects by Miri as well as some nice new glow work on some of
our favorite starships.

Here’s my Favorite Miri Explosion sequence!

New Terran Empire ships by Nix and new Section
31 by Gan as well as some other offerings. Additional ships by Maxloef.
New Map Editor menu structure with easier navigation setup by Tjoz with
nearly all flyable 2.0 ships as well as the stock components.

A fair number of ships by MRJohn have been added. And lets certainly not
forget DJ Curtis’s beautiful Century and Vivace Class starships.
Enhanced UUTools utility and the new LMTools Modding Utilties have been
released as well, also the Legacy Mission Editor is included although the
LMTools has full mission building abilities built in. I have included
the Modinstaller for good measure for any aspiring modders out there
who might find use for it.
Ultimate Universe 2.0 - Part 1

Nov 27th, 2009 – Part 2 of 2
You will find a new menu structure, more races, enhanced missions, the new Vs Armada, and Instant Vs modes. As well as the new “Exploring History” mode which is a mostly non combat mode that explores Earth and Mars development from the NX-01’s time to the Ncc-1701F.

Great new intro, loading screens and main menu graphic by Mindwipe. Three interviews with the CoWriter of the Stock Campaign Derek Chester sone by Mindwipe himself and a TMP Theme music vid with Mike Shaw. Rebuilt mainmenu by Muldrf. Enhanced Explosions and weapon effects by Miri as well as some nice new Glow work on some of our favorite starships. New Terran Empire ships by Nix and new Section 31 by Gan as well as some other offerings. Additional ships by Maxloef. New Map Editor menu structure with easier navigation setup by Tjoz with nearly all flyable 2.0 ships as well as the stock components. A fair number of ships by MRJohn have been added. And lets certainly not forget DJ Curtis’s beautiful Century and Vivace Class starships. Enhanced UUTools utility and the new LMTools Modding Utilties have been released as well, also the Legacymissioneditor is included although the LMTools has full mission building abilities built in. I have included the Modinstaller for good measure for any aspiring modders out there who might find use for it.
Ultimate Universe 2.0 - Part 2

April 7, 2011 – Hosted by Moddb
Ultimate Universe 2.2 Update (Build 2) – This release includes updates to a fair number of existing ships to add features to them such as breaking nacelles with plasma effects, animated bussards, reduced torpedo circling, bump maps, and some torpedo circling prevention work. There are also a number of new ships, Wagaugusto’s Olympic Class. Phoenix’s TOS Proxima which was released to public in December is now included. The ole Marauder from BC ported by Muldrf with Acidfluxxbass’s take on it’s textures and Miri and Gan’s effects and weapons. Galaxy X (Evolution) Class, The Icarus Class. There are also numerous ships by Rudianos. Additional texture work by Gan and Acidfluxxbass on various ships. Great new effects work by Miri as usual. New Destruction Damage work by Gan making it a bad idea to get to close to a dying ship..

Ultimate Universe 2.2 Update (Build 2)

Please note that this does not represent (yet) the full extent of the mod. This site will, when time permits, contain credits and readmes for the many great talents involved in the making of the mod.

See the Full Mod with more notes at MODDB!

Thank you for years of Support!

Ultimate Universe
Click for BIG Picture!


Chris Jones Gaming - 2008 Logo
Ultimate Universe Mod by Chris Jones Gaming
Kingdom Hearts III

Kingdom Hearts III Trailer


…tells the story of the power of friendship and light vs. darkness as Sora and his friends embark on a perilous adventure.  Game Release Date: 29 Jan, 2019 – Here’s the latest trailer, as revealed at the Tokyo Game Show.  #TGS2018

Set in a vast array of Disney and Pixar worlds, KINGDOM HEARTS follows the journey of Sora, an unknowing heir to a spectacular power. Sora is joined by Donald Duck as well as Goofy to stop an evil force known as the Heartless from invading and overtaking the universe. Sora, Donald, and Goofy unite with iconic Disney-Pixar characters old and new to overcome tremendous challenges and persevere against the darkness threatening their worlds.

Kingdom Hearts III