Ultimate Universe Mod
The Ultimate Universe is/was a total conversion modification of the PC Game, Star Trek: Legacy (released in Late 2006). It is a collaboration of many individuals driven to make the best of Star Trek Legacy.
You MUST start with a Fresh Clean unmodded Legacy install. If you try installing over UU1.0 or 1.5 you will CERTAINLY have problems! This is part 1 of a 2 part installer. Be sure to grab Part 2 of 2 as well, both are required!. UU2.0 is a FULL INSTALL.
Now that’s out of the way. You will find a new menu structure, more
races, enhanced missions, the new Vs Armada, and Instant Vs modes. As
well as the new “Exploring History” mode which is a mostly non combat
mode that explores Earth and Mars development from the NX-01’s time to
the NCC-1701F.
Great new intro, loading screens and main menu
graphic by Mindwipe. Three interviews with the CoWriter of the Stock
Campaign Derek Chester done by Mindwipe himself and a TMP Theme music
vid with Mike Shaw. Rebuilt main menu by Muldrf. Enhanced Explosions and
weapon effects by Miri as well as some nice new glow work on some of
our favorite starships.
Here’s my Favorite Miri Explosion sequence!
New Terran Empire ships by Nix and new Section
31 by Gan as well as some other offerings. Additional ships by Maxloef.
New Map Editor menu structure with easier navigation setup by Tjoz with
nearly all flyable 2.0 ships as well as the stock components.
A fair number of ships by MRJohn have been added. And lets certainly not
forget DJ Curtis’s beautiful Century and Vivace Class starships.
Enhanced UUTools utility and the new LMTools Modding Utilties have been
released as well, also the Legacy Mission Editor is included although the
LMTools has full mission building abilities built in. I have included
the Modinstaller for good measure for any aspiring modders out there
who might find use for it.
Nov 27th, 2009 – Part 2 of 2
You will find a new menu structure, more races, enhanced missions, the new Vs Armada, and Instant Vs modes. As well as the new “Exploring History” mode which is a mostly non combat mode that explores Earth and Mars development from the NX-01’s time to the Ncc-1701F.
Great new intro, loading screens and main menu graphic by Mindwipe. Three interviews with the CoWriter of the Stock Campaign Derek Chester sone by Mindwipe himself and a TMP Theme music vid with Mike Shaw. Rebuilt mainmenu by Muldrf. Enhanced Explosions and weapon effects by Miri as well as some nice new Glow work on some of our favorite starships. New Terran Empire ships by Nix and new Section 31 by Gan as well as some other offerings. Additional ships by Maxloef. New Map Editor menu structure with easier navigation setup by Tjoz with nearly all flyable 2.0 ships as well as the stock components. A fair number of ships by MRJohn have been added. And lets certainly not forget DJ Curtis’s beautiful Century and Vivace Class starships. Enhanced UUTools utility and the new LMTools Modding Utilties have been released as well, also the Legacymissioneditor is included although the LMTools has full mission building abilities built in. I have included the Modinstaller for good measure for any aspiring modders out there who might find use for it.
April 7, 2011 – Hosted by Moddb
Ultimate Universe 2.2 Update (Build 2) – This release includes updates to a fair number of existing ships to add features to them such as breaking nacelles with plasma effects, animated bussards, reduced torpedo circling, bump maps, and some torpedo circling prevention work. There are also a number of new ships, Wagaugusto’s Olympic Class. Phoenix’s TOS Proxima which was released to public in December is now included. The ole Marauder from BC ported by Muldrf with Acidfluxxbass’s take on it’s textures and Miri and Gan’s effects and weapons. Galaxy X (Evolution) Class, The Icarus Class. There are also numerous ships by Rudianos. Additional texture work by Gan and Acidfluxxbass on various ships. Great new effects work by Miri as usual. New Destruction Damage work by Gan making it a bad idea to get to close to a dying ship..
Please note that this does not represent (yet) the full extent of the mod. This site will, when time permits, contain credits and readmes for the many great talents involved in the making of the mod.
See the Full Mod with more notes at MODDB!
Thank you for years of Support!