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Tetris® Forever unveiled by Digital Eclipse

EMERYVILLE, CA — Digital Eclipse, in partnership with The Tetris Company, recently announced Tetris® Forever, the latest in the studio’s acclaimed Gold Master Series. The collection features a variety of playable Tetris games from the last 40 years and a brand-new game created by Digital Eclipse. It launches this holiday season on PC & consoles.

Discover the extraordinary story behind Tetris in more than an hour & a half of all-new documentary featurettes. Explore the lifelong friendship and creative partnership between Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov and The Tetris Company founder Henk Rogers, and dive into the remarkable odyssey that shaped one of the most iconic games in history.

Journey through four decades of Tetris with more than 15 playable classic games, including several being released outside of Japan for the first time. See where it all began in 1984 with an accurate recreation of the first version of Tetris on the Electronika 60 computer; battle your friends in the multiplayer cult favorite Tetris Battle Gaiden; create massive explosions to clear lines in Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss, and many more memorable game experiences.

Tetris Forever introduces an all-new Tetris game with Tetris Time Warp! In this original game variant from Digital Eclipse, players will ‘warp’ between different eras of Tetris in real time to experience a variety of classic graphics, playstyles, and game mechanics.

“We’re incredibly honored to be entrusted with Tetris,” said Mike Mika, Studio Head of Digital Eclipse. “Its impact on the game industry cannot be overstated, and we’re excited to share this international collection of diverse Tetris variations alongside the stories told by Henk Rogers and Alexey Pajitnov of the many challenges they faced bringing this game to the world. “

“Our collaboration with Digital Eclipse on Tetris Forever was a long time coming, and we enjoyed being able to work on a project that honors the incredible legacy of Tetris and the creative brilliance that has driven its lasting success,” said Maya Rogers, CEO of Tetris. “For four decades, Tetris has captivated hundreds of millions, and this interactive experience gives fans an unparalleled opportunity to explore its evolution. Tetris is truly a timeless game, and we are excited for everyone to explore these curated game variants and the new surprises Tetris Forever offers.”

Key Features of Tetris® Forever:

The Game that Started It All: Digital Eclipse has prepared an authentic recreation of the first version of Tetris, which Alexey Pajitnov created on a Soviet “Electronika 60” computer system. Experience the look and feel of Tetris as Alexey envisioned it in 1984.

Interactive Timeline: Explore a virtual museum with archival materials, including video featurettes, photos, original ads, and playable games restored in high-definition and presented chronologically.

The True Story of Tetris: With over 90-minutes of all-new documentary featurettes produced by Area 5—creators of Outerlands, Grounded: The Making of The Last of Us and Grounded II: Making The Last of Us Part II—unravel the true story of Tetris in its purest form.

An All-New Tetris Game: Tetris Time Warp, an all-new Tetris variant by Digital Eclipse will have up to four players warping between different eras of Tetris in real time to experience a variety of memorable graphic styles and play mechanics!

Tetris® Forever will launch on PC via Steam and GOG, and on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4|5, and Xbox One and Series X|S later this year. For more information, sign up for the Digital Eclipse newsletter HERE.

classic zelda

16-Bit Classic Zelda Funk Album Released

PHILADELPHIA – May 7, 2024 – Joshua Morse & GameChops are excited to release Zelda Funk, a funky adventure of legendary proportions. The album features Morse’s signature 16-bit-inspired funk across several Zelda classics from A Link to the PastOcarina of Time, and more, touching on fan-favorites such as regal “Hyrule Castle,” the jubilant “Lost Woods,” and the ominous “Dark World.” Listeners can also enjoy Link’s impressive dance routines created by Lee Griffin via the YouTube visualizer for the album, with Link break dancing and showing off his smooth moves in time with the funky musical backing.

Zelda Funk is available on all storefronts and streaming platforms now:
Zelda Funk on All Storefronts and Streaming Platforms

GameChops founder and mastering engineer Chris Davidson commented, “Mastering Zelda Funk for Joshua Morse was a real treat,” I have been a fan of his music for almost two decades and he continues to raise the bar in terms of creative and fun arrangements of videogame music. As a big Zelda fan and an even bigger listener of game music, there’s nothing else out there like Zelda Funk.”

The full track listing for Zelda Funk is as follows:

  1. Ocarina of Time
  2. Faron Woods
  3. Hyrule Castle
  4. Lost Woods
  5. Dark World
  6. Death Mountain
  7. Princess Zelda

Learn more:

Summer Games Fest 2022 on Chris Jones Gaming

Summer Game Fest 2022

Here’s what up with Summer Game Fest!

Summer Game Fest 2022 starts today!

This is the world’s first fully digital, global celebration of video games. Launched in May of 2020, Summer Game Fest unites the entire video game industry for a summer celebration, featuring digital events, demos, announcements, and breaking news for video game fans.

Chris Jones Gaming is looking forward to this!

SUMMER GAME FEST 2022 is taking place during the month of June. Specific event dates will be announced in the coming weeks. Follow them HERE!

Domino Sandbox

Let’s do a simple game today!

It is as it says in the title: A solo-player domino line physics game where you just set up what you want and push it back down.

The Colors (which are customizable) that it comes with are eye pleasing, and warm. I love the music for this game! It really fits the relax and play vibe.

Overall, it looks to be simple and effective.

The link is here.

from the Steam Page


from Ninza site

Currently in free-to-play beta mode, Ninza is a combination platformer and brawler!!! From Indie developers Klakmioch, this game has a homepage, twitter and discord.

I tried it out, and while I’m not much of a brawler -or platformer- it’s a lot of fun! I love the characters, and the actual controls are pretty simple! The concept of the game itself is gret, too.

The main menu is easily traversable, and there are 4 game-modes available for play (for now at least). The game is relatively easy on the eyes, with minimal of the bright, flashy, effects that can hurt your eyes, and the animations are very readable. The backgrounds are done in a way that reminds me both of Japanese woodblock prints and those old-style story books done in paints and colored pencils.

If you have your eyes open for a brawler to play around with your pals, this one may be the one you want your mitts on.

By Abby Zarakovich

Jury Box

For a relatively simple game, Jury box (published in 1936 by Parker Brothers) has earned itself a spot in game history.

It’s a game for any number of players, and is relatively simple. You (and your fellow players) act as jury to the cases provided in the box. There is photo evidence, an illustrated case file, and what the “correct” answer.

In play, after the case is read by a selected player, the players write their verdict and idea of what happened: points are awarded to those with the correct verdict, and to those whose solution behind what happened comes closest. The person with the most points after all the cases are complete wins.

Jury Box is the precursor to modern variations of LARP and murder mystery games.

The action of pretending to be a person, and the whodunnit nature of the game is what lead to the evolution of games like Clue and such.

Chess: Variations on a theme

Sometimes, research turns into something else entirely.

Yesterday, as I was researching more historical board games for a few other artcles, I came upon a website that sold a few dozen physical variations on chess. It not only caugfht my eye, but also sent me on a fun wikipedia dive.

Today, I’ll be rating different chess variations by aesthetic, readability, and how much they made me want to play that particular variation.

3-person chess (Hexagonal)

Aesthetic: 10/10 a blast to boggle at. The squares merging in the center is incredibly pleasing.

Readability: 10/10: clearly readable!!! Lovely.

Want to Play: 10/10 YES. Wish I knew more people IRL who liked chess to play this version of the game!

3-person chess (circular)

Aesthetic: 10/10 a joy to look at, makes a fun centerpiece, will fit on a circular table and not look ridiculous.

Readability: 4/10 Makes my eyes hurt: The board tries to be more readable by adding diagonal lines through the squares, but I feel that makes the board even more confusing to try to decipher in a game. It looks cool, sure, but doesn’t do well for play. the colors for the pieces are standard, I suppose, but better choices could have been made.

Want to Play: 5/10 Due to the board, it’s not high up on my play list, regardless of how cool it will look on a coffee or café table.

Stacked Chess

Aesthetic: Not so much for me: a 6/10. The boards and pieces are very standard, and while the connecting spire adds a bit of flair, it doesn’t do much for the look. The pieces look cheap.

Readability: The individual boards are perfectly readable, 10/10, this is what standardization is good for.

Want to Play: ehhhhh *wiggle hand in a so-so manner* 4/10. If I wanted to do something like this, there’s quite a few digital versions which do a better job with the concept of multiple boards, one of which is “5D chess with multiverse time travel“.

Peace Chess (Paco Sako)

Aesthetic: Cute!!! I honestly love the way the piece designs were modified for the new gameplay. 10/10

Readability: 10/10: standard board, and the pieces retain enough of their silhouette to remain distinctive.

Want to Play: 6.5/10. The concept of “peace chess”, in which the kings try to reach each other by jumping through other pieces is enough to warrant a try, but I’m not entirely sure about the replayability. Since you can’t take pieces off the board, I feel that there’s not many moves to h=be had after a few plays.

Jester Chess

Aesthetic: Overall, really standard: other than the titular piece and extra spaces, nothing else is added, visually. 5/10: it works, I guess.

Readability: Looks Just like your average chess board but with more squares: it’s a 10×10 black and white board. The pieces are the same as your average ones, with the exception of the added, titular piece: the Jester. 10/10. Unique piece design, recognizable board.

Want to Play: Definitely intriguing! The added piece (whose rule for movement is literally “whatever piece your opponent just moved”) would add interest to your usual game, with extreme annoying sibling energy attached. Prefect for people who want to aggravate their family, 8.5/10.

Ancient Board Games: Royal Game of Ur

A game like this, from 2600 BC, is full of intrigue. This delicately carved block of stone, with flowers and markings etched into the rock, sings to played again.

A 4×3 board is connected to a 2×6 board with 2 squares. There are 4 d4’s, with dots on 3 of the points. And there are 7 Tokens per player, with one blank side, and one side with 5 dots

We have the board, the dice the pieces, and the question remains: how do we play it?

Rules have been found for advanced versions of the Royal Game of Ur: the sweet irony of which is that the base rules are speculation. All we know for sure about the base game is some of the markings’ meanings, and that the goal is to get all your pieces across the board. Even the exact route is unknown.

Because of that, there are a few different sets of rules floating around the internet.

One of several points of argument is whether rolling a Zero on the dice counts as a zero, a four-space movement, or as a “roll again”.

Another point of argument is when/how pieces may be moved onto the board. On Some of the boards, the pieces are numbered, and one guess is that you must roll that exact number to play them. Other rules have suggested that you have to roll a certain number (either 4 or 0) to bring out any piece, and some discard that notion entirely; you can bring a piece onto the board at anytime.

I suppose that if you wish to play it, it’s like any game of UNO: the rules are decided by players agreeing (or acquiescing) to them.

Basic Map making – the absolute minimum

As a DM, you lead your fellow players in the adventure of a lifetime! And you can’t do that without a setting for your adventurers to traverse!

There a Few ways to do this, like always!

Base it off of a real-life location

You can simply pick a point on the globe and lift the terrain and cities wholesale. This way, you can point your focus towards the plot and characters of your campaign.

    • Pros:
  • Makes your life easier
  • Can use history for flavor
    • Cons:
  • Expectations of Culture and mannerisms that come with a person’s knowledge
  • There will be history here, and the players might expect use of it

Create your own from scratch

Use map generators or craft a map from your own imagination to craft the most individualized map

    • Pros:
  • You can have whatever you want wherever you’d like
  • Create your own world history
    • Cons:
  • You have to make it yourself
  • Create your own world history

Custom maps can be made multiple ways.

  1. Decide on a central or key location, and build what you need around it
  2. Make a legend, and drop dice (signifying different physical objects) over a piece of paper
  3. Random generator

Use a Mix of both!

You can use a real-life map as a base (for terrain or city placement), and then edit it to fit your lore/characters/villain’s actions

START AGAIN: a prologue

How do you feel about Time loops, dear reader? Does the monotony of the same day over and over and over bore you to tears? Or does the hope to fix your mistakes blind you to the truth that the loop is whispering?

START AGAIN: a prologue has multiple endings, and is based on a series of short comics.

Providing a swift kick in the chest and eyes full of tears, you follow Siffrin in this story in the second person, and meet friends to help you on your quest.

Defeat monsters as you learn about the loop that has trapped you in it’s claws!

The game is available here!

From the Creator’s Tumblr