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Multiplayer co-op update for prehistoric builder Sapiens released

July 19th, 2024 – Majic Jungle is excited to reveal that the highly-anticipated Multiplayer Update for prehistoric city builder Sapiens launches today! Team up with friends to construct sprawling cities and collectively manage resources! Explore vast lands larger than Earth itself as you navigate unique landscapes and climates with your tribe.

Sapiens invites players to forge alliances and reshape their environment for the better. Unite with friends to build anything from towering citadels with fortified bastions to humble grass huts to make you and your tribe feel at home. Discover together and learn how to mold the world around you, which has now expanded to cover the globe. Manage the roles of your tribe members and experiment with farming, crafting, and woodworking to build your dream prehistoric civilization.

Multiplayer Update Features:

  • Build Big Together: Every player gets their own tribe in multiplayer. Working together allows you to build major trading hubs, hospitals, and other large-scale builds that would be impossible to build alone. 
  • No More Borders: With the launch of the Multiplayer Update the map has expanded to cover the whole world, allowing for completely free exploration on a global scale. 
  • Complex Interactions: NPC tribes are now controlled by AI and act independently. Moving near other tribes gives access to trading and new resources. Tribes also specialize in one of four industries: Rock tools, bread, pottery, and bronze.

The Sapiens Multiplayer Update launches on Steam today! Those eager to lead their own tribe can begin their journey with Sapiens now via Steam Early Access. Join the official Discord to stay up to date on all of the prehistoric happenings.

About Majic Jungle

Majic Jungle is the work of solo developer Dave Frampton. Dave has been making games for nearly 20 years, with the success of each major release funding the development of the next. He has combined this passion with many years of experience to create his debut PC title and culmination of his career – Sapiens. Dave is excited to lead Sapiens to its full potential, through early access and beyond.

Golf Club: Wasteland

This is no ordinary golfing game: it’s a surrealist post-apocalyptic golfing game.

You walk and jetpack your way around the remainders of life on earth as you play ball.

To be released on September 3 by the publisher Demagog Studio on Steam.

The story of Earth’s last hurrah is told from multiple points of view, building as the game progresses.

The Game has 3 different modes, from casual to expert.

The art style has a dream-like vibe, with the haziness and destruction of the background fitting perfectly with the depopulated planet that used to be our own

From the Steam Page

Castle Flipper

Castle Flipper is a Building and Decorating Simulator for medieval castles!

This game isn’t just castles, either: it also includes the surrounding land, and  sheds, barns, huts, houses, mansions, palaces and even pirate ships!

This game takes place in the 16th and 17th centuries, so in addition to the usual Medieval buildings, you will also find some Baroque and Renaissance elements that add variety to the gameplay and give you more options for interior decoration.

To be released May 27, 2021 on Steam, Castle flipper looks to be a fun simulator, including both rampant destruction and detailed creation.

It has lovingly rendered wooden details, and goes from the basics of building (frames and pillars) to the furniture and placement of decorative elements like suits of armor and fur rugs.

Images from their STEAM site

Potion Craft: Alchemist Simulator

With an art style taken straight out of middle-aged engravings, this game is a fun twist on the recipe-style order games that litter both the mobile market and early 2000’s PC games.

In it you can create your own recipes, help the town, and interact with the customers going through your shop.

The game offers customization of your shop and an art style that immerses you entirely in your role as town alchemist.

The demo is free to play on Steam

Rail Route: The Train Dispatcher Simulator Game

Early Access on June 23

Hypnotizing with it’s elegant minimalism, the spray of numbers and times across the screen a soothing balm to the organized mind. It’s the base form of a puzzle game, meant to challenge you and engage you, driving you to do better than yourself, to improve times, and techniques, and flourish in one of the most classic forms of transportation: the Train on the Rail Road.

The Game engages with that base videogame urge to watch numbers go up, to streamline your new ability to the best of your power.

Upgrade your trains and railways, solve the puzzles given, and even build your own Railways. Edit and Automate your maps to create the smoothest ride anyone’s ever seen in Rail Route: Train Dispatcher Simulator.

An example screenshot from the Game’s Steam page


Good Society: a Jane Austen RPG

From Kickstarter project to off-the-shelf popular enough for a reprint, “Good Society” has come long way.

First released in 2018, funded by $154,774 Australian dollars from 2,677 backers,  it included a hardcover rulebook, between 20-36 cards (depending on how much you gave), and Pdf versions of the above.

Now, on its Storybrewer’s page, it offers one of its expansions in hardback as well, along with various expansion cardsets. The 280-page rulebook includes art and accompanying material.

The game is heavily focused on role-playing, which can be seen in it’s lack of numbered stats, and its LARP version that is also available to purchase. The traits used to navigate the game are the role you’re given, your family, desires, and your relationships.

Some unique aspects of the game:

    • NPCs printed on cards
    • Having a Game Master (GM/DM) is an option
    • Numerous Expansion packs ranging from servants to magic

Blaseball’s Boom

Musicals and Music video, fan animations and artwork…. for a fantasy baseball browser game?

It’s indeed the case!

Blaseball is an absurdist online baseball game that was split into “seasons” (a la Apex Legends) with a rulebook with chunks that are redacted for the player. There’s a shop with in-game items purchased with in-game money won by backing teams, similar to various irl fantasy leagues.

The trick with this game is the unusual stats, the ability for you (as a player) to vote on actions of the teams or rules of the game, and “blessings” (random powerups) get randomly assigned to the blaseball players on the teams, like “performance enhancing demons” and “bloodlust”.

The trick is both in choice making, and knowing the players enough to decide which teams to bet on.

For fans, the joy is in the story telling, the characters, the competition, and the eagerness of waiting for your team to win.

Chris Jones Gaming: Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

The PC Alpha version of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is scheduled to arrive on March 29th. Odyssey is the newest DLC for the MMO space flight simulation game Elite Dangerous. Produced by the renowned British developers at Frontier Developments, Elite Dangerous is the fourth installment in the Elite video game series. Having started in 1984 with Elite, it’s one of the longest running video game franchises to date. Without ever having reached a deal with any publisher, Elite Dangerous was originally funded through a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2012. After its original release on PC, the game has also been ported to Xbox One and PS4. Following its predecessors in pushing the bar for innovation in space flight games, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey has a wide variety of features that will likely keep players engaged for several hours.

Explore the Milky Way

Elite Dangerous boasts the extraordinary feature of allowing players to explore a 1:1 model of the Milky Way galaxy. Over 100,000 of the game’s star systems use real astronomical data. The game also features some fictional star systems from the past games in the series. Perhaps most impressively, approximately 400 billion star systems have been procedurally generated in the massive game world using scientific models. This essentially means that players will never run out of room to explore and the game can feel fresh to new and old players for many more years. While the game was designed to be played online, it also features an offline single player mode. The game starts you off in this vast open galaxy with a small spaceship and a bit of money. What you do and where you go from there is mostly up to you. There are numerous activities for you to partake in that will help you to accumulate more money and galactic influence.

Elite Dangerous lets you pilot a variety of ships. The carrier, for example, is a huge and expensive ship that lets you carry numerous small fighters aboard the ship.

The Next Chapter

Elite Dangerous already lets you play many different roles to make money. You can find work in mining, exploration, transportation, and trade. You can also go to the darker side of the galaxy and make money in bounty-hunting, piracy, or even assassination. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey lets players step out of their ships. Now, you can disembark and explore planets on foot. Many of the missions that were previously available will now be translated to missions that can be completed on foot. Whether you want to make money through combat or commerce, you’ll now be able to do this outside or your ship. You’ll also finally be able to meet other players up close instead of out in space. Elite Dangerous is available through the Xbox Games Pass, so subscribers should be sure to give it a try if you’re a fan of games in space. While there is a steep learning curve, this game is a favorite among many fans of the genre.

#EliteDangerous #EliteDangerousOdyssey #FrontierDevelopments #Space #MMO #RPG #SpaceFlight #SpaceFlightSim

Derelict Void

Derelict Void will be releasing on Steam on March 18. Its small and independent developer, Stirling Games, refers to it as a “galactic roguelike city-builder”. Derelict Void was started on Kickstarter, where it surpassed its fundraising goal. This is the team’s first game, so we’ll have to wait and see how it stands up to other base management/survival games. The team also intends to include a content creation tool in the game, adding to the potential value of the game.

You’ll have to manage your resources if you want to survive in the void.

The Unknown of the Void

In Derelict Void, you’ll be managing your ship’s crew as it travels through the endless void of space. You’ll need to consistently make strategic decisions in order to survive. A mysterious devastation has unfolded in the universe that you once knew and now you need to find a way to survive and extend the future of civilization. You must traverse the unending void of space to look for resources and other survivors. You’ll be taking risks and making key decisions that will play into your potential to get through each day.

Derelict Void will feature hand drawn artwork during certain events.

A Future Community

While Derelict Void doesn’t really have a community, considering it’s not playable yet, the game will be heavily community-based once it’s released. Despite being singleplayer, the developers want to add a way for players to share their experience with others. Derelict Void will comes with an open content creation tool in the form of a website. There, every player will be able to contribute to the story and world of the game. Once your add your story there, any other player will be able to play your version of the void. It’s an interesting concept and we’ll have to wait and see what it ends up looking like after the game is released. If you’re interested in a base management game that takes place in the void of space, check out Derelict Void when it comes to Steam on March 18th.

#DerelictVoid #Space #SciFi #Indie

Everspace 2

EVERSPACE 2 was released in Early-Access on January 18th for PC on GOG and Steam. Like so many of Steam’s recently added Early-Access games, there are huge plans for the game’s future. The German development team ROCKFISH Games wants EVERSPACE 2 to become the gold standard for space shooter games. It combines elements from many different genres, culminating in an experience that sets it apart from any other game. It also represents a great shift from the original EVERSPACE. While the developers are taking full advantage of the same community-based method to refine the game, they’re moving in a different direction with gameplay. They want to take the world of EVERSPACE from a linear roguelike space shooter to an epic open-world space looter shooter.

EVERSPACE 2’s story will take you to very unique locations.

Ever Ambitious

There’s already plenty of content available to the player. There are an estimated 12+ hours of content in the story campaign with full English voice acting. With at least 25 hours of gameplay in total, there are already a great deal of special mechanics that will keep a player interested in exploring the star systems. The game is filled with extensive combat and interesting places to explore. Plus, there are tons of puzzles, crafting, trading, customization options, and characters. There are also alien species, hidden treasures, outlaw gangs, and many other mysteries to uncover through the main missions and side missions. But, there are still plenty of features left to be fleshed out or added.

EVERSPACE 2 features various unique ship classes and there are plans to add plenty of customization options in the future.

A Vast Future

ROCKFISH plans to keep EVERSPACE 2 in Early Access for the next 12 to 18 months. There are a multitude of content additions that they plan to release through quarterly updates. There are going to be a plethora of new locations, enemies, missions, challenges, characters, customization options, items, resources, and more. While the game’s graphics already look excellent, several quality of life improvements can also be expected. Expected improvements can include bug fixes, new language support, ac and Linux support, and new difficulties. EVERSPACE 2 has big plans, so check back in on it from time to time over the next year or so.