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Video Games can help with addiction - Chris Jones Gaming

Video Games can Help with Addiction

Original Author: Micah Norris

Recovering from an addiction isn’t easy. But by leaning on hobbies and activities you already love as part of your path to recovery, you can make the most of this journey. For instance, video games can actually be a healthy part of your approach to addiction recovery! If you’re curious about trying new games or improving your skills, you can look to Chris Jones Gaming for tips. Furthermore, here’s how to find the right addiction treatment center and why video games can help you throughout your recovery process.

Seek Inpatient Rehab First

It should be noted that no matter which habits or hobbies you might want to incorporate into your recovery path, you need to seek professional help, too. Look up your own in-state addiction treatment options to find a treatment center in your area that suits your specific needs and budget.

There’s no denying that rehab can be expensive, but depending on your insurance coverage, you may not have to pay the sticker price to enroll in a program, as most centers do accept plans from major insurance providers. Just get in touch with your insurance provider to verify if you have coverage for addiction treatment. As you research potential facilities, consider details like the accommodations, the treatment approaches they offer, the location, and their accreditation. Of course, it’s also a good idea to look up reviews from previous patients.

Gaming With Friends

Many people who struggle with addiction feel isolated and lonely. Multiplayer games can help you combat this loneliness and stay connected with your friends. LevelSkip states that multiplayer video games create opportunities for collaboration and teamwork, which can ultimately help boost the players’ social skills in the long run.

Set Healthy Goals

When you’re dealing with an addiction, it can feel like your goal of achieving sobriety will always be out of reach. Video games provide you with an opportunity to set goals that you can achieve with consistent effort. This is an important lesson that you can carry over into other areas of your life, including the recovery process.

Gain a Sense of Control

Addiction can make you feel like you’re out of control. You may feel the substances you’ve been using took away your agency within your own life. Video games can help you regain a sense of control and autonomy over your decision-making. Well and Good states that while the world is chaotic and unpredictable, actions within video games lead to predictable outcomes, which can make you feel calm, grounded, and confident.

Enjoy a Temporary Distraction

Sometimes, escapism is necessary. When you’re in treatment for your addiction, you might spend lots of time thinking about your past, the mistakes you’ve made, and the challenges ahead of you. Thankfully, video games can immerse you in another world and pull you into an engaging story, which provides a welcome distraction from your addiction and the ups and downs of rehab.

The Comfort of Nostalgia

Finally, playing video games that you enjoyed as a child can bring you back in time. Nostalgia can provide relief from the struggles of addiction and treatment. Playing the video games that you loved when you were younger can help you connect with the person you were years ago and allow you to recapture that innocent feeling once again.

Video games aren’t just a source of fun and entertainment. As long as you maintain smart limits on your gaming time, they can also help you overcome challenges like addiction. With these tips, you’ll be prepared to find an in-patient treatment facility and integrate gaming into your new lifestyle.

Want to enhance your gaming experience? Turn to Chris Jones Gaming! Browse our website today for tips to improve your gaming skills.

Photo via Pexels

Family Video Gaming from Chris Jones Gaming

Creating a Healthy and Fun Family Video Gaming Experience

In today’s digital age, This doesn’t mean merely supervising screen time but actively engaging with the gaming world and providing guidance. Here are some tips from Chris Jones Gaming to get you started. 

Encourage Responsible Gaming

Setting clear guidelines for screen time and game content is essential to cultivate a responsible gaming environment. Not all games are suitable for all age groups, so review game ratings and content before they become part of your family’s library. Additionally, establish a balance between gaming and other activities like outdoor play, reading, and family time. This prevents excessive screen use and helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Encourage Communication

Open communication forms the backbone of a safe and enjoyable gaming environment. Encourage your children to share their gaming experiences, interests, and concerns. This open dialogue enables you to understand what they’re encountering in the virtual world and provides a platform to discuss the potential negative aspects, such as cyberbullying or inappropriate content.

Explore Diverse Game Genres

Video games are as diverse as books, movies, and music. Introduce your family to a wide array of game genres, from puzzles and adventures to educational and creative games. This broadens horizons, promotes diverse interests and skills, and ensures the gaming experience remains fresh and engaging.

Develop Problem-Solving Skills

In addition to being a source of entertainment, games can be fantastic tools for cognitive development. Choose games that challenge your children’s minds and promote problem-solving abilities. Puzzles, strategy, and adventure games not only provide fun but also contribute to improving critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Use Gaming as a Reward

To maintain a healthy relationship with gaming, use it as a treat or incentive for completing responsibilities. Whether homework, chores, or good behavior, gaming can be an effective motivational tool. This approach reinforces positive behavior while ensuring that gaming does not overshadow other essential aspects of life.

Highlight the Benefits of Gaming

While it’s easy to dwell on potential negatives, it’s equally important to recognize the benefits that gaming offers. Video games can improve decision-making skills, reflexes, and hand-eye coordination. They can even offer educational value, teaching everything from history and geography to complex scientific concepts, all in an engaging and interactive manner.

Design a Multi-Functional Gaming Room

Creating a dedicated gaming and entertainment space in your home is a fantastic way to enhance the gaming experience. This could be a multi-functional room that can also serve as a family movie theater or a chill-out zone. A dedicated gaming room also creates a specific place for electronics, making it easier to monitor usage and maintain a tidy home.

Track Home Improvements

If you do opt for a dedicated gaming room, keep a record of any enhancements you make. This not only helps in maintaining the room but can also add value to your home. Future potential buyers who are gaming enthusiasts will likely appreciate a well-designed entertainment space.

Creating a family-friendly video gaming environment can initially seem daunting, but following the above tips makes it much easier. Remember, moderation, open dialogue, and a wide variety of games can ensure that gaming becomes a positive, enriching part of your family’s life rather than a point of contention. So engage, guide, and enjoy the gaming world with your family, creating shared memories that will last a lifetime.

Chris Jones Gaming has all the gaming tips and information you’ve been looking for. Let us know if you have any questions!

Article by Micah Norris for Chris Jones Gaming

Image via Pexels

Get Paid - Chris Jones Gaming

Get Paid To Do What You Enjoy

Transforming Your Passion into a Thriving Business: Get Paid!

Authored by Micah Norris, for Chris Jones Gaming

Starting a business is an exciting prospect, but it can be even more rewarding when you’re able to turn a cherished hobby into a full-fledged enterprise. Not only do you get to spend your days doing something you truly love, but you also have the opportunity to share your passion with others and make a living from it. However, turning a hobby into a successful business requires careful planning, dedication, and hard work. Chris Jones Gaming explores several crucial steps to help you create a thriving business out of your favorite pastime.

A Comprehensive Business Plan

The first step in turning your hobby into a business is developing a detailed business plan. This document should outline your objectives, target market, pricing strategy, marketing tactics, and financial projections. A well-crafted business plan will not only help you stay organized and focused, but it will also serve as a valuable tool when seeking financing or attracting potential partners.

Your Business as an LLC

One of the most important aspects of starting a business is choosing the right legal structure. Registering as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) can provide you with numerous benefits, such as personal asset protection, tax advantages, and increased credibility. To streamline the process, consider using a formation service to help you navigate the complexities of registering your business. Get Paid.

Thorough Market Research

Before diving into the world of entrepreneurship, it’s essential to research similar businesses in your niche. This will give you valuable insights into the competitive landscape and help you identify potential opportunities for growth. Additionally, understanding your competition will enable you to develop unique selling points that set your business apart from the rest.

Clear Goals and a Winning Strategy

Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve with your business is crucial for long-term success. Establish specific, measurable objectives and develop a strategic plan on how to reach them. This will provide you with a roadmap to follow, making it easier to track your progress and make necessary adjustments along the way.

The Art of Branding

A strong brand identity is essential for any successful business. When it comes to choosing colors as part of your branding strategy, consider the psychological effects they can have on your target audience. Different colors evoke different emotions, so carefully select a color palette that aligns with your brand’s personality and values. If you want to learn more about how color affects branding, then consider this option as a resource. Get Paid.

Your Skillset

While your expertise in your hobby is undoubtedly important, it’s equally crucial to develop skills in other areas to ensure your business thrives. These may include sales, marketing, customer service, and financial management. Invest time in learning these skills, or consider partnering with experts who can complement your talents and help drive your business forward. Get Paid.

Further Education in Business

Going back to school for a business degree can be an excellent way to sharpen your entrepreneurial skills and gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of running a successful enterprise. Studying business administration, finance, or marketing can provide you with invaluable knowledge and resources that can be directly applied to your new venture.

Professional Industry Advice

Lastly, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice related to your specific industry. Reach out to mentors, attend workshops or conferences, and join industry-specific forums to learn from the experiences of others who have successfully turned their hobbies into thriving businesses.

In conclusion, transforming your hobby into a full-fledged business is an exciting and rewarding journey, but it requires careful planning, dedication, and hard work. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build a solid foundation for your new venture and set yourself up for long-term success. Happy Entrepreneuring, and Get Paid!

This article was NOT helped by ChatGPT.

Chris Jones Gaming - The Ultimate Universe - and Chris Jones Media

Gaming Evolution

15 years ago we delivered a downloadable product that went viral, the beginning of our Gaming Evolution.

I was interviewed recently regarding that successful undertaking. A link to the interview follows..

It was dream for a long time to launch a digital marketing agency.

As early as 1993, before ‘Chris Jones Media’ existed, I was building websites for real estate agents, and had a side business with on-site computer consulting, taking care of software issues for customers in their own home.

This continued while I was involved in PC Gaming, modifying existing games, in the science fiction genre, with improved graphics, sound effects, and gameplay.

This evolved into leading a team of about 20 people on a mission to completely transform a particular PC Game into something much better than it was.

I was interviewed in March 2023 about this game modification by some fans of our ‘mod’. In this interview I talk about organizing teams, accomplishing goals and becoming sought after.

See it here:

Our modification of a #startrek pc game garnered many thousands of downloads and is still downloaded to this day.

I mention my gaming days because of the challenges involved in coordinating people from around the world in different time zones and with conflicting personalities.

Along the way I developed a deep understanding of what consumers need and want, and how to communicate with them effectively.

This, coupled with being in Radio Broadcasting and Face to Face sales in various industries, led to a deep understanding of consumer pain points, and the methods to take care of them.

This is my Gaming Evolution.

Because of that, I formed Chris Jones Media. Initially I was building Websites – and later added Voice and Video Creation services, along with business advice.

Over the past year, with a few collaborations and work hiccups I came to understand true teamwork and it became apparent that my long held dream can be done: I have built a digital agency at That is my ‘Gaming Evolution’.

My experiences in the gaming industry set me up for what is happening today. As Sir Patrick Stewart said more than once, “Make It So”!

Land a career in video games - Chris Jones Gaming

Land a Career in Video Games

Authored by Micah Norris for Chris Jones Gaming

Land a Career in Video Games By Following These Steps

Turning a passion like playing video games into a career may sound like a fantasy, but it’s actually quite achievable if you know where to start. If you have the right training and work on building up a particular skill set, you can begin a career in the gaming industry in no time. The key is to have a clear understanding of aspects like how to stay focused and on task, sussing out customer needs, and getting the right technical training so you can bring your vision to life for your audience in a professional manner. You can also look for resources that will help you learn all you can about the video game industry, and Chris Jones Gaming is a great place to start.

Here are a few things to know about turning your love of video games into a career:

Seek out the right education

Video games are so highly advanced these days that some are visually comparable to big-budget movies, and while they’re not all at that level, most do still require developers to have a wide range of skills. Most individuals who are working in the video game industry are skilled in software design and programming. Even if your goal is to focus on just one aspect of the industry, it will be extremely helpful for you to learn about everything from coding to creating scenery since working on games requires both creative and technical skills.

Make your resume stand out

It can be a challenge to stand out in a sea of talent when you’re ready to look for a job, which is why it’s essential to make sure your resume is all it can be. Think outside the box and get potential employers to notice you by adding a bit of creative flair, but don’t forget to put an emphasis on your skills and achievements. Keep in mind that you can create a fantastic, professional resume by using a free online template that allows you to customize it with your choice of colors, fonts, copy, and images. This will take some of the pressure off as you prepare to find your dream job.

Put in the time in order to find a job

Even with a great resume, you’ll need to put in some time when it comes to finding a job. This includes playing a variety of different games to learn all you can about design and gameplay and can also involve starting a gaming blog or vlog to get your name out there and provide a base for networking. You might even create your own game and give potential employers an idea of your skills. It’s also a good idea to remain open to internships, which can help you get your foot in the door and start connecting with like-minded creators.

Start your own video game businessLand a career in video games

As you start working on your blog and begin the search for a job, you might consider the benefits of starting your own video game-based business. There are tons of options available these days for individuals who have the skills and tools, from building a great app for a mobile game to creating a coding tool that other developers can use.

If you have marketing experience, you might start a business using those skills to help video game developers share their creations with the world. Whatever you decide to do, just make sure you have some protection on your side in the form of a business structure like an LLC. Forming an LLC will provide tax benefits and keep your personal assets safe, and while every state has its own rules about formation, you can read up on the steps and hire a service to file the paperwork in New York.

Getting involved in the video game industry can take a little time, whether you want to find a job with an established company or start your own video game-based business. Try to remain patient as you build your skills, create a stellar resume, and gain experience in the developing world.

Have a video game question? Get in touch with Chris today.

Land a Career in Video Games By Following These Steps

Summer Games Fest 2022 on Chris Jones Gaming

Summer Game Fest 2022

Here’s what up with Summer Game Fest!

Summer Game Fest 2022 starts today!

This is the world’s first fully digital, global celebration of video games. Launched in May of 2020, Summer Game Fest unites the entire video game industry for a summer celebration, featuring digital events, demos, announcements, and breaking news for video game fans.

Chris Jones Gaming is looking forward to this!

SUMMER GAME FEST 2022 is taking place during the month of June. Specific event dates will be announced in the coming weeks. Follow them HERE!

Kim and Ken Jones with Playstation T-Shirts

Does Chris Jones Still Game?

Backstory: From December 2006 until December 2008 I coordinated a team of 7-20 people (varied from month to month) in the extensive modification of an online computer video game known as Star Trek: Legacy.

This required top notch people skills in handling different talents, skill sets, and personalities from people across the world via the Internet. Our project was released in October 2007, and still, in 2022, gets several downloads a day.

I stepped down from the top position in December 2008, but continue to this day (2022) as a consultant. Our project, known as The Ultimate Universe, has garnered Tens of Thousands of downloads, and is a success story. ‘Chris Jones Gaming’ is ongoing with gaming industry news of the day.

Does Chris Jones Still Game? Moving Forward, I would very much like to ‘Make a Game’.

Would it be Science Fiction? Likely Yes.

I keep saying there’s more news coming on my gaming exploits. Once a Gamer, always a Gamer.

Safe to say there is more to come from Chris Jones Gaming.

Virtual Reality is alive and well!

No art skills? No problem! Part 2

Part 1 here: 

In part 2, we’ll be using Excel, and the updated version of MS paint (Paint 3d)

Paint 3D

Open up paint 3d! You want to go to the Canvas tab, and switch the sizing from pixels to percent. Type in 30 for the width. Or you can put in the exact pixel size for your card. Pokemon cards are 718 x 1000 pixels.

Step 1

Next, click back to the brushes, select your color and use the bucket (fill) tool on your canvas!

Step 2

To help figure out what you want, and where, it’s helpful to outline with rectangles! Go to 2D shapes, Pick the rectangle option, drag a corner to grow to the size you want. Then, adjust your line thickness and color to your preference! If the rectangle is a whole shape, you can change it to an outline by changing the fill option to none.

Step 3

Instead of repeatedly clicking on the 2D shapes, you can use the clone tool. Click the left-most option, and drag the new shape to modify it as you wish!

Step 4

Next, play around with the text options! Make sure to click on the letter “T” in the option bar before clicking where you want to place the text.

Step 5

Adding the Image: Go to the Sticker tab, and click add sticker. This uses the images on your device, so you’d have to download the applicable images.

Alternatively, you can also copy + paste an image from online using your keyboard shortcuts.

Step 6

Save to your computer!

Step 7


Open up a new tap, and put in what text you want first! Make sure you have some space between the text. make sure there are two rows before the first line.

Step 1

Next, use the numbered and lettered rows and columns to adjust the sizes en-mass. Make A and skinny- this will be the space between the edge of the card and the text.

Step 2

Select A2:C8, and use the bucket tool to fill the whole block in! This will be your base color!

Step 3

Next, select your text, and use the square button (it’s between the U and the bucket tool), and select the thick, outlined border.

Step 4

Select your card, and copy and paste it as much as you’d like! Then, select the lettered columns that correspond  with the space-filling areas. Adjust the size of one, and it will affect the other highlighted columns.

Step 5

Repeat for the horizonal rows, including the text and description boxes.

Step 6

Fill in and Print!!!

Step 7

No art skills? No problem! Part 1

No art skills? No problem! If you want to create a card game, and you can do everything except draw, this is for you!

One thing you can do is use other cards as an example, like pokemon cards, Magic cards, or any other game who’s aesthetic you like. If you have physical cards that you no longer care about, you can use white-out on individual lines, or white paint to cover the card.  That way, you can write out the information on the cards!

I will show some ways to design cards on your computer!

Let’s start with two classics- MSPaint and Microsoft Word!


Step 1

Open up a new canvas. Use the bottom right corner to drag to the size you want. Use the Bucket to fill in with a color you want.

Step 2

Use the box-drawing tool to map out where you want the different parts to go (title, image, description). Save a copy of this so you can make as many cards as you want from this base.

Step 3

Write what you want in the boxes you’ve made using the text tool. make sure to click the bottom option if you want the back ground color to show through.

Step 4

If you can’t make an image, find one! Search for what you want, and make sure to select “transparent” in the color options if you wan the background to peek through. If you plan on selling the game, click “Usage rights” and select “creative commons”.

Step 5

Copy and Paste your image onto the card using the left click options.

Final Product

Save your image and admire it! Make as many as you’d like!


Bored in your at-home office? Use your work tools for play! Open a new document and follow along….

Step 1

Click the “Insert” tab. Click on “Smart art”, then choose the kind of diagram that best fits what you want on the card. Hit “Ok”

Step 2

Fill in the cards with the information you want! You can also play around with colors +styles.

Step 3

For a card outline/aesthetic: Go to the insert tab, hit “Shapes”. Choose any of the rectangle options (I recommend the rounded kind). Then, adjust the size to fit over what you’ve done.

Step 4

Click on the “Shape format” tab.  You can play around with colors here! Click “Shape fill”, select “No fill”. This will give you the outline of your card! Then, if you want a different thickness for the outline, select “weight”, and then click on the number you want. Then, copy and paste your new shape, and move it over to the other Smart-art section.

Step 5

Go to the “Home” tab, and find the “Select” options. Select the drop-down, and hit “Select All”.

Copy the selection. Click below the cards you have and find the typing cursor ( I). Hit the Enter key until there is space after the cards. Paste your selection!

Step 6

Adjust your new cards until you’re happy, and then Print!


Gaming-vs-Real Life

Gaming vs Real Life

Gaming Vs Real Life

Updated 19-March 2023

This is being transformed into a ‘Linktree’ type of page..

My Vision consists of a virtual office or maybe a physical office but perhaps virtual first… essentially four different divisions. Chris Jones Media maintains Facebook and Twitter feeds that reflect all of these passions.

5 June 2018 – At one time I had the radio and automotive areas of my life lumped under ‘Chris Jones Media’. 


1. Business Growth – see Chris Jones Media 

Business Advice, Social Media, Video, Voice, and Website Development

2. Internet Radio 

– An Online Audio Stream with another two or three people doing updates, playlists, vocals, live shows, requests and that sort of thing, with advertising of course.

3. Website Projects

For a client to be discovered easily, or perhaps, easier than if your small business didn’t have one. Your competitor certainly has a website that is working for them!
From designing to developing and launching your new online presence, we get to know your brand, target audience, and competitors, while you are guided through a systematic and collaborative website development process.
 I maintain, a website designed to save grieving families money during a stressful time by reducing the cost of publicizing a deceased Loved One’s Life Story,  Facebook and Twitter Feeds.

4. Chris Jones Gaming

   As of this post, a One Man Operation – probably will be for the foreseeable future, with Facebook and Twitter Feeds.
I spoke this next part and let my phone type it, lol.

Chris Jones Gaming needs 3 or 4 people manning it, posting game updates and reviews, etc. Chris Jones Gaming would be, you know, a lot bigger thing than it is now. Chris Jones Gaming is an entirely separate arm of Chris Jones Media, with a rich history. The idea of Chris Jones Gaming began in late 2006, when Chris and some Internet colleagues started the organization based on the extreme modification of one particular ‘Star Trek’ game. Chris saw the enormous talent the group possessed and helped to guide the team into creating a game modification that gets downloads to this day, and numbers in the tens of thousands.
That actually happened on the ‘dot net’ domain. The idea of Chris Jones Gaming today is to provide extensive gaming industry news and reviews, to offer up ‘Branded’ Chris Jones Gaming’ Computer Systems and Gaming Gear, and to be a hub of Gaming Lifestyle activity. Parts of that dream have yet to be realized, and I am working to make it happen!

6 March, 2018 – Gaming History

1 March, 2018 – Gaming and Internet Radio

Chris Jones (and his Wife) – The Director of Customer Happiness – with a Vision.
LinkedIn Profile

I pride myself in an ability to communicate effectively with anyone, either personally or professionally. Many years in the Sales, Retail and Broadcast Industries have honed my communication skills. Customer and People satisfaction have made me who I am.

My goal: Help people by identify a need, and then fill it by drawing upon extensive experience in many areas of customer service. This could be in the Website Design area, Internet Radio Broadcasting, or the reporting of the latest and greatest video gaming news.

Specialties: The ability to adapt to a a person’s way of thinking to communicate in the most efficient manner. Website Administration – Professional Website Implementation for your new or existing business. Video and Audio Editing for your advertising message – from my radio broadcasting background – with the voice to make it happen.

The Chris Jones Vision

Please email for any information – or call 518-223-6044.

Chris Jones Vision

This video is from 15 May, 2012 – I talk about Gaming vs Real Life.
A number of games were released the day I recorded this. A slice of time!
This was Pre-PS4!

Garry's Mod