How to make your own card game
How to make a card game from concept to completion
What do you enjoy in the card games that you play? What will entice others to play?
For this example, I tried to create a card game that my friends would play. They enjoy relatively simple games, that one can do while talking or conversing. I chose Uno to be the base game, as all agreed that that was their favorite game.
I like the aesthetic of tarot cards, so I also added in their number system (1-10, then page, knight, queen, and king).
I chose a theme, next. I enjoyed the tiktok trend of “vaguely terrifying beasts as pests that just bother you occasionally” as the theme, and boiled down their appearance to “Oblong form in mask”. Simplifying the appearance of the card’s design increases it’s readability. Making your images overly complex can confuse your players (or yourself when coloring them).
After deciding on those, it’s time to design the cards!
I chose to match the number of the figures to the number on the card, to keep it consistent visually. Other options include making the numbers of objects equal to the value of the card (ordinary 52-card deck), creating symbolism to match the value (most tarot cards), or even just putting the value of the card as the main focus (a-la- UNO).
Consistency is key to make sure the players can distinguish different groups of cards from each other while still recognizing it as part of the group.
Matching color-schemes or patterns is the common route to solve that problem!
For mine, each group (distinguished by color) has its own pattern as well. To make sure that all the cards -regardless of color- are read as from the same game/set, I used the same line-art for the base. Making all the figures the same helps tie the card set together.
The video has the rest of the process!