Hacker vs. Corporation: the Card Game a.k.a. , “Android: Netrunner”
While researching Magic the Gathering (I had heard it was a fun play), I came across something else that piqued my interest: an extinct game by the name of Android: Netrunner.
At the Brain-dead hour of 4 am, the fast-paced commentary on the Netrunner U.S. Nationals 2019 The Cut was a pleasant listen. From what I’ve gathered on a brain full of sleep soup (probably better known as melatonin), I’ve gathered that it’s a combination of Magic the Gathering and Poker.
The game runs as follows: You and another player oppose eachother; one plays a corporation, and the other plays a hacker. Each team has to get 7 “agenda points”. Hackers gain them from taking the cards from the corporation, and the corporation from completing agenda card requirements.
Entertaining, or at the very least, compelling!
This game involves Resource management, and much like our own monetary system, there is some complexity. The game involves 6 kinds of tokens, most of which are double-sided to signify different things.
The Artwork is lovely as well!

For those who want a true cyberpunk experience, this is the game for you.
Since it was cancelled in 2017, there’s no chance of getting new cards, but there is an online deckbuilder/play site here.